Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 10642
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,232,000

USAID will continue to provide support to AED to expand and strengthen HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care services in provinces located in Region V and VII, especially in those that are in the border with Haiti or that have Bateyes.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $300,000

USAID will in collaboration with USG agencies continue to support AED to provide TA to MOH regional offices to strengthen data collection systems in order to improve recording, reporting and analysis both at the hospital and regional level with the aim of supporting an information system that is sustainable, responds to quality assurance tools and provides reliable and accurate data. AED will also provide NGOs, CBOs and FBOs with TA to continue with habilitation and accreditation process.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $50,000

Continue to expand the Life Skills Program in grades 1-4 in Regions V and VII public schools. Print and distribute 2,000 copies of the LSP complementary guide. Develop and print educational material for students in grades 1-4. Train TOT trainers in 3 workshops each with 30 teachers = 90.Develop a supervision tool and train three supervisors from each school district/in each region. Support 4 regional workshops for 25 teachers each. Train 3 leaders and 5 members of the Parent Association Groups (PAG) in each school. Provide technical assistance to MOE to expand Life Skill Program to 1,000 more schools with World Bank and IDB support. Train students in basic schools in LS during 2010.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $682,000

With BSS results, a strategy to target MARPs will be developed. AED will continue to support and expand peer education modules for Bateyes, MSMs, CSWs. Fund and provide technical assistance to NGOs to support MARPs to implement educational activities on human rights, risk perception, reduction of sexual abuse, condom negotiation with partner(s), reproductive health, and STI prevention. Train NGOs on behavior change strategy and community based workers, supervisors and leaders including peer education techniques. Educational activities at the community levels will include health fairs, community CT, referral to services and door-to-door visits. USG will continue to fund NGOs to reach batey residents and migrants, especially men, in Region V and the border areas and to support the mass media campaign messages at the community level. They will conduct peer education, group education exercises, and one-on-one sessions, and work with PSI as social marketing condom distributors. They will continue address harmful social norms, partner reduction, gender-based violence, and transactional and cross-generational sex. Empowerment of girls/women is promoted to help them have a stronger voice in their sexual lives and thus prevent disease. Because of the challenges of reaching highly mobile populations, workplace behavior change activities (e.g. at construction, tourist and agricultural sites, including bateyes) will help reach them effectively. USG will continue to solicit employer involvement to increase corporate social responsibility. USG will also continue to support the "100% Condom Strategy" carried out by partner NGOs targeting CSWs, their clients and business owners in areas with commercial sex activity in Region V and the border areas. At these sites, they promote correct and consistent condom use, distribute condoms, encourage decreased use of alcohol and other drugs, promote HIV and STI screening, conduct education activities and distribute prevention information. USG will continue to fund NGOs to reach batey residents, CSWs and MSMs, in Region V and Region VII and to support mass media campaign messages at the community level. They will conduct peer education, group education exercises, and one-on-one sessions, and work with PSI as social marketing condom distributors. USG will also continue to support the "100% Condom Strategy" carried out by partner NGOs targeting prostitutes, their clients and business owners in areas with commercial sex activity in Region V and the border areas. At these sites, they promote correct and consistent condom use, distribute condoms, encourage decreased use of alcohol and other drugs, promote HIV and STI screening, conduct education activities and distribute prevention information. These NGOs also train sex workers and other women in condom negotiation skills. NGOs also provide referrals to HIV counseling and testing, care and treatment services. In the geographic focus areas, USG will continue to support NGOs providing prevention outreach to MSM, including peer-to-peer counseling in gay bars and other outlets, and referrals to STI and HIV services.

Because of the challenges of reaching highly mobile populations, workplace behavior change activities (e.g. at tourist and bateyes) will help reach them effectively. USG will continue to solicit employer involvement to increase corporate social

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $200,000

Update and print norms. Train 30 workers in four regional workshops in norms and protocols. Develop training curriculum to strengthen quality of PMTCT and e.i.d. services in 26 public hospitals in Region V and VII. Select four teams (10 each) to tutor health teams in hospitals. Conduct four workshops with the teams (Total of 40 individuals). Implement new guidelines in hospitals. Implement a referral system to and from communities and to other intra-hospital services (FP, nutrition, STIs, tuberculosis). Fund NGOs to support PMTCT community services. Implement opt-out pilot projects in two hospitals in Region V and VII.

Subpartners Total: $0
Asociacion Dominicana de Planificacion Familiar, Inc.: NA
Centro de Promocion y Solidaridad Humana: NA
Clinica de Familia MIR: NA
Columbia University: NA
Catholic Relief Services: NA
Esperanza y Caridad: NA
Grupo Clara: NA
Grupo Este Amor: NA
Grupo Paloma: NA
Moepathutse Children's Centre: NA
Ministry of Health - Ukraine: NA
Dominican Republic Network of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: NA
World Vision: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $140,000
Education $50,000
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $30,000
Human Resources for Health $50,000
Water $10,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Increasing women's legal rights and protection
Child Survival Activities
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning